Communication Central – a detox for the Information Age


Stephen Tanner, IT Customer Services Manager, NMIT. Stephen Tanner is IT Customer Services Manager at NMIT and has recently ‘celebrated’ 20 years in public sector IT. Current responsibilities include support services, information systems and project management, including 3 Princes and 1 already over budget little Princess.


Information is competing for attention as never before. Everyone is trying to get their message across about something important via email, instant messenger, video conference, social networking, text, voicemails, attachments, and newsletters, even resorting to talking face to face if they’re desperate or don’t work in IT. Infobesity is ruining our servers’ waistlines. How does an organisation get the really important stuff across to staff whilst still making myriad users feel like it’s meeting their needs? This presentation will be on the challenges, failings and successes of growing SharePoint as an information systems gateway and staff Intranet at an ITP. Areas covered include determining scope & buy in, (including from academics & CEOs), quality management and BI links, project management and online surveys.... and some important messages about us humans too